Today's topic is all about how to keep your blog fresh and fun! Just like the photo says, I tend to think that most of us are in a "permanent state of re-invention" at least where our blogs are concerned!
So far it seems like I've been changing the design of my blog every 6 months. I really do it for me, because I want to look at something new. Ironically, I actually change the design yesterday and I hadn't even seen what today's topics were!! I think when I'd like to see something fresh, the readers and bloggers who frequent by blog also wouldn't mind seeing a new page. I don't really mess with the layout, just the design.
I also try to think up new and exciting features. For example, I'm doing a Summer of Indie Author Features event this summer. By the way, it starts tomorrow!! I haven't really read much Indie, so I thought it would be fun not only for me, but for my blog subscribers to meet some Indie and self published authors. In my personal opinion, I think that introducing different features once in a while mixes thing up and keeps it fun for everyone!
Lastly, I read all kinds of books. Thanks to my wide variety of reviews, I think that also contributes to keeping my blog fresh. It's always fun to read about something out of your comfort zone, and again, I think that my blog readers enjoy being introduced to something different.
What helps you keep your blog fresh? Please share!
Happy Reading,
Check out my previous Armchair BEA posts!
Genre: From Picture Books to Young Adult | Genre: Literary Fiction | Paths To Becoming a Better Blogger | Genre: Genre Fiction | Introductions