Release Date: October 1, 2009
Format: Adobe EPUB eBook
Pages: 384 (Mass Paperback)
Source: Destination Download
Genre: Steampunk
Review Date: July 1, 2012
Rating: 4 bookmarks
A quick mini lesson for the Steampunk newbies, what is Steampunk you ask? Basically Steampunk is a sub genre in the Science Fiction world. Steampunk can sometimes be a meld of fantasy, alternate history, horror, etc. For more details, refer to this Wikipedia page.
This was my first visit to the world of Steampunk and this story was a good selection for me to dip my toe into the Steampunk pond. Since I already love Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy, this was a good mix of them both rolled into another time. But be warned, if you're a PR junkie, this is ultra light on the "romance" if you know what I mean! ;-)