Checking in with my first quarter results of the 2015 audiobook challenge! This challenge is hosted by The Book Nympho & Hot Listens. My goal is to complete 40 or more audiobooks this year. At this pace I'll hit 40 in no time.
As you all know, I love audiobooks! They are the perfect addition to my reading diet. I've completed 10 audiobooks so far this year. I've gotten all of these completed by only listening in the car and while at work. Two of the titles were synced with a Kindle ebook, so I swapped back and forth between listening and reading, which I really enjoyed. Not to bad if I do say so myself.
Are you apart of this challenge or just enjoy a good audiobook? If so, leave me your update link or share what you've been listening to this year. I'd love to check it out.!
Happy Reading & Listening,