Checking in with my third quarter results of the 2015 audiobook challenge! I realize that this post is almost a month late, but better later than never! This challenge is hosted by The Book Nympho & Hot Listens. My goal is to complete 40 or more audiobooks this year. I don't know how I missed the second quarter update, so I'm making this a two for one!
It surprised me how hard it was to consume 24 audiobooks. Being that we are now one month into the final quarter, I'm technically six books behind! I thank my June promotion at work for the slowing me down. I listened to the first 10 during the first quarter and 14 over the last 7 months. Of which several of them were listening/reading mashups, but I'm still counting them. WIth two months to go, I have 11 more audiobooks to listen to. I won't give up, but realistically- it's a long shot.
What about you? How are you doing during the challenge? If you're not participating in a challenge, please share with me a few of the top audiobooks you've enjoyed this year. I do have 11 more to listen to after all and I could use the recommendations!
Happy Reading & Listening,