“Book Haul Tuesday” is my weekly post where I take a peek at the newly released fiction books of the week and post the books which I’ve added to my forever growing “To Be Read” list. I hope to introduce you to some interesting books and talented authors that you haven't read yet. Hopefully I'll motivate you to run out and pick up a new release or two for your shelf or reader!
In addition to my book recommendation(s), of course, I'll show off any books I've hauled in the last week. My book haul is all about sharing the books I've added to my lovely shelves, which can be physical or virtual.
What's in my book haul?
- Books I've purchase either in a store or online.
- ebooks I've purchase online.
- Books, ebooks and audiobooks I've borrow from my local library (hard copies and downloadable content)
- ARCs and review books (hard copies, ebooks and galleys).
- Books, ebooks and audio books that I've acquired through giveaways and as gifts.
The first haul of every month will also include the list of books up next for review. I also post a video summarizing all the books that I've received and/or purchased from various sources over the previous month.
| Outside of my library borrows, this was a big week for galleys! GALLEYS I'VE RECEIVED:
New releases for my Never-Ending TBR List! | These recommendations came out last week. I'm not sure how I missed these YA Urban Fantasy gems! They all have a great synopsis and should be really fun reads.
I also spotted an adult UF book. It actually came out in the last week of December, but since I just discovered it, it counts! :-)