In addition to my book recommendation(s), of course, I'll show off any books I've hauled in the last week. My book haul is all about sharing the books I've added to my lovely shelves, which can be physical or virtual.
What's in my book haul?
- Books I've purchase either in a store or online.
- ebooks I've purchase online.
- Books, ebooks and audiobooks I've borrow from my local library (hard copies and downloadable content)
- ARCs and review books (hard copies, ebooks and galleys).
- Books, ebooks and audio books that I've acquired through giveaways and as gifts.
What's new on your shelf? Any new releases catch your attention? Please share!
Book Haul!Books I've Purchased: I went to the always fun Library sale! My library does a sale three times a year. You never know what you'll find. so it's worth it to check it out. I bought two books that I consider oldie but goodies in pretty good condition for $0.75! Can't turn that down.
Kindle Freebie: Thanks Amazon. I read this book a while back and really enjoyed it. I borrowed it from a friend at the time and never got around to buying my own copy. I got it free yesterday! Score! Guess what?! You can still get it now!
| New Releases for My Never-Ending TBR List!I just have one book this week, so it's short and sweet. Next weeks recommendations are a whole other story! LOL Clockwork Princess (Infernal Devices, #3), by Cassandra Clare - YA Fantasy/Steampunk. This is a great series. If you haven't read it, you should! Note: Read the Mortal Instruments books first! :-) |