In addition to my book recommendation(s), of course, I'll show off any books I've hauled in the last week. My book haul is all about sharing the books I've added to my lovely shelves, which can be physical or virtual.
What's in my book haul?
- Books I've purchase either in a store or online.
- ebooks I've purchase online.
- Books, ebooks and audiobooks I've borrow from my local library (hard copies and downloadable content)
- ARCs and review books (hard copies, ebooks and galleys).
- Books, ebooks and audio books that I've acquired through giveaways and as gifts.
Sadly I didn't purchase any new books this week, and no new galleys, but I did receive a book in my mail box! :-) YAY
Book Haul! Book(s) in my mailbox: Glow, by Jessica Maria Tuccelli (Historical Fiction) - The insert says that fans of The Help would like this book. So, I'm excited to read this. Maybe I can squeeze it in sometime in the next few months. I'm not sure who sent it, but it looks like the publisher did. Thanks! Check out the synopsis here! | New Releases for my Never-Ending TBR List! Showing some YA luv this week. Both of these look promising! The Shadow Girl, by Jennifer Archer (YA Paranormal) - I'm liking the description and the cover art. It's got my attention. Apollyon (Covenant #4), by Jennifer L. Armentrout (YA Paranormal) - I haven't read this series, but it soudns good! I'm going to absolutely checking it out. Not to mention you all know how I love cover art, and this looks amazing! I looked up the previous 3 books and they look good too. I'll be picking up book one, Elixir: A Covenant Novella very soon! |