In addition to my book recommendation(s), of course, I'll show off any books I've hauled in the last week. My book haul is all about sharing the books I've added to my lovely shelves, which can be physical or virtual.
What's in my book haul?
- Books I've purchase either in a store or online.
- ebooks I've purchase online.
- Books, ebooks and audiobooks I've borrow from my local library (hard copies and downloadable content)
- ARCs and review books (hard copies, ebooks and galleys).
- Books, ebooks and audiobooks that I've acquired through giveaways and as gifts.
Did you haul any books this past week? Do you have books that came out this week that you've added to your TBR list? If so, please share!
Happy Reading,
Book Haul This week I got two new babies in the mail. Thank you St.Martin's Press and Penguin Teen! I was good this week and stayed off of Net Galley! Accused, by Lisa Scottolini - This looks pretty good. I have not read the previous books, so I may have to borrow them from the library first. It worth checking out if I ever can get through that TBR list! Frozen, by Melissa De La Cruz, Micheal Johnson - First off this book grabbed my attention me right away because of the writing team. I haven't read many books (if any) written by a man and woman. Plus the synopsis sounds really good! Who doesn't love YA Dystopian? | New Releases Only one book was on my radar for this week and that's Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, by April Genevieve Tucholke (YA Horror). I love this genre, it's always fun to read. This was on my most anticipated book list for this year. I actually tried to get this on NetGalley a few months ago, but they told me the quota for this book was filled. :-( |