What's BTMA? It stands for "book to movie adaptation". My BTMA reviews are done separately from the book review.
Movie Release Date: June 6, 2014
MPAA Rating: PG-13 (for some violence and intense description of thematic material)
Watch Date: September 20, 2014
Rating: 4/5
This is an adaption of the book The Fault in Our Stars written by John Green. The two main characters are played by Shailene Woodley as Hazel and Ansel Elgort as Augustus. They are both teens with cancer, as I'd assume you already know. I felt that this was a really good adaptation over all. Yes, there were a few changes, as one would expect, but nothing too outrageous.
It felt a little weird watching the same two actors that played siblings in Divergent act as boyfriend and girlfriend in this movie. It was weird, but by the end of the movie I seemed to be over it.
Everyone kept telling me to have a box of tissue handy. Well lucky me, I'm not the mushy type, not much anyways. I didn't cry at all....until the very end when Hazel gives her eulogy for Gus. That was pretty sad. If you're a person that cries easily, then you should probably have a huge box of tissues handy.
While I did enjoy the book to movie adaptation of The Fault in our Stars, I was happy that I waited until I was able to watch it at home. There's no need to ruin a fun date night with a sad movie. Bottom line, if you haven't seen TFIOS movie yet, you should! I personally feel that this is one of those movies where if you saw the movie, but hadn't read the book, there isn't much motivation to go back and read the book. The movie did a good job and I wouldn't insist that someone read the book because it's better. If haven't read the book and want the crib notes version, Read my review of TFIOS book. Happy Reading & Watching, ~Tamara | |