I have an awesome book nerd event to share! Today is the opening of the 5th Annual general registration of the Coastal Magic Convention! The convention takes place in Daytona Beach, Florida this upcoming February.
If you live in a place like me, in February you'll probably be buried under 10 feet of snow. This could be a welcome respite. Not only will you hang out with amazing authors, fabulous featured bloggers, and fellow book nerds - you can take a mini vacation in the middle of the winter. What's not to love about that? |
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Don't forget, follow all things Coastal Magic all across social media using hashtag #CMCon17!
CMCon#17 Featured Authors coming up on Shelf Addiction!
Get excited! I have 6-7 phenomenal authors making appearances on my blog! Be sure to subscribe so that you won't miss a single live event with any of these authors. The author features will take place either on my YouTube "BookTube" channel, or my podcast.
You've seen book reviews on my blog for a few of the authors I'll be featuring, so expect fun times to be had. |
Happy Reading,
The Event Details, from the event Director Jennifer Morris
I'm doing the hotel reservation process a bit different this year. You'll receive an email containing our group code and reservation page link after you complete your registration. I'm hoping this will slow down the "sellout" problem on our reserve block, as only those who've registered will have access to the room reserve info. You can still see the hotel info and fee details on our HOTEL/TRAVEL page as a reference. And FYI, I'll also list multiple, very nice and reasonably priced hotels within easy walking distance of our Hilton... as I anticipate we'll sell out again this year.
I'm sure there'll be a lot of questions to answer and/or clarifications to make. You can comment on this post, or reach me on our Coastal Magic Convention Authors & Attendees Facebook Group. You can also reach me via the contact form and/or email on the CONTACT page of this site.
I'm excited to get this ball a'rollin -- and I can't wait to see you all next year by the beach!!