My husband came along for a little mini vacation, which was a great chance to get out of the Michigan cold! Bookish fun during the day and into the evening, followed by dinners and some couple time with the hubby. It was a spectacular 3 day weekend. The weather was great, the location was great, and the people were great.
Besides the authors that I was familiar with, I made connections with very talented authors that I have yet to read. My TBR (to be read) list has grown even more! I can't express enough, how cool everyone was. The small 300 attendees at the con really was the perfect environment to meet people in a less hectic setting.
The CMCon featured bloggers were all very cool ladies and I was happy to have the chance to work with them. I hope that I see them again in 2018. Jennifer, the organizer and creator of this convention, was just amazing. She pulled together all of the intricate details seamlessly and didn't even break a sweat! She rocked it and I was happy to be a part of the team.
I moderated quite a few panels and it was so fun! My favorites that I moderated were "Creatures of the Night...In Daylight?" and "Beauty and The Beast". All of the authors really did wonderfully keeping the conversation flowing and answering audience questions in all of the panels that I attended. My panels were pretty much a breeze, the authors did a great job jumping into the topics. The evening meet and greets, parties, and other gatherings added lots of things to do while there. I liked that the evening events weren't required, but available to partake in if one desires.
I can't end this wrap-up with out talking about the swag!! So much swag! Books, book samples, bookmarks, pins, pens, notebooks, and more. I left CMC with my bag weighing 15 pounds more than when I arrived thanks to all books and swag.
I was busy having fun and staying in the moment so I wasn't able to document most of my days...but I was able to take a moment or two for a few photos! This convention was a win-win and I look forward to next year. Have you been to CMC? If so, tell me about your experience.