2016 Goodreads Challenge | 2016 Audiobook Challenge |
2016 Best ReadsListed in no particular order, they've all achieved my 5 bookmark rating and were immensely enjoyable. You know that I don't freely give the 5 bookmark rating, so that speaks volumes for these titles.
| 2016 Worst ReadsListed in no particular order, they were all disappointing...On a positive note, there were only five 2 bookmark ratings. I also didn't have any DNF (did not finish) titles or any 1 bookmark ratings this year. Not too bad.

For my Goodreads challenge, don't be alarmed. I did sign up for 82 books....but here's the caveat, I'm including the audiobooks in that count now. On Goodreads it all gets added together for the year. I'm challenging myself to read 52 books and to listen to 30 audiobooks in 2017! The math works out to be 1 book a week and 2.5 audiobooks a month. If I can manage to stay on track, I can do it!
This is an agressive goal for me and I know it. I have plans to post weekly book reviews or book related topics on both my Podcast and BookTube channel (in addition to the blog), so I'll need the literary content! The more books and audiobooks the better. I believe the stars have alligned so that my work-home balance will be much improved this year. Wish me luck!
By day, I work a full-time non-creative job. By night, I’m a content creator, blogger, vlogger, podcaster, reviewer, and entrepreneur. I enjoy all things decadent; books, food, wine, cute jewelry, a perfectly made Cosmo, and travel! I’m a self-proclaimed Foodie, Book Addict, TV & Movie Junkie, and World Traveler. Happy Reading, Listening, & Watching! ~Tamara |