Set a Goal and Stick to it!
The thing with challenges is that you want to set it based on your lifestyle. Don't compete with others. There are some professional readers (editors, publicists, pro reviewers, etc) that read 200+, 300+ , or more books a year. But don't think about that. Focus on your own goals. Speaking for myself, I love reading. Love it. But it's not my life. I have a full time professional job, a husband, a blog, and a podcast. My plate is pretty full. I read for fun and I share with you because I'm passionate about books and reading. My goal is a reflection of what I'm able to do. Don't stress, just engage and do the best you can. Don't press yourself to reach a goal that's not attainable. You won't go from 12 books a year to 112 (unless you suddenly have a ton of free time). Just do you. With that said, I have 5 smart tips to help you read more books in 2018! Take a listen to my audio below to discover my tips that will assist you in meeting your 2018 reading goals.
What to know what my reading goals are? Check out my 2017 year at a glance and my look forward into 2018 blog post!