Release Date: May 1, 2011
Format: Kindle
Pages: 368
Source: Download Destination
Genre: Young Adult Urban Fantasy
Review Date: March 7, 2012
Rating: 3 bookmarks
More teenage angst, more moodyness, more over dramitic teens. No action…the substory is adequate. Sam and Graces situation has made a 180. No longer does Sam have to worry about himself changing, thus he is cured. For most of the book we are lead to believe that now Grace is changing!? Or is she? She’s definatly fighting something and we get the entire book to try to figure out what’s going on with her. It seems like she wants to change, but she never does. She gets frequent headaches and a constand fever. Eventually she gets very sick. Enough of that, I don’t want to tell all. In addition to chapters from Sam and Graces point of view, the author has also thrown in equal amounts of story told from Isabels and Cole’s point of view also. We also got more of Isabel and a new character Cole, a drugged out lead singer/rocker, suprisingly smart guy who wants to be wolf to escape his life. He’s one of the new wolves that Beck recruited and changed because so many of them were too old to change back to human. Victor another new wolf, is Cole’s bandmate. There was no meantion of the girl that was also a new wolf in the last book. How intersting that Isabel and Cole have a clear attraction…yet it seems to be implied that Isabel also has a slight crush on Sam. Not giving away the ending, but I’m sure that has opened up the door for some intersting situations in the next book. One thing that I could have done with out were the musical interludes. Here and there we get Sam singing some song he made up. Kind of pointless and really cheesy. To be quite frank, it’s good. I liked it, but I’m 100% glad I didn’t read it in print. It’s a little bit slow that I probably wouldn’t have gotten through out. Thank goodness for audio. It’s entertaining enough to listen to during my oh so long work day.
Get the paperback version here: Linger (Wolves of Mercy Falls, Book 2)