Today, I'm sharing my thoughts on the trilogy Chronicles of The One. If you've read the first book or all of them (or listened on audio), I'd love to talk about it! Comment below and let me know what you thought.
Release Date: Dec 5, 2017, Dec 4, 2018, Nov 26, 2019
Format: MP3 Download
Audio Length: Various (12-14 hours unabridged)
Narrator: Julia Whelan
Source: Audible
Genre: Dystopian, Fantasy
Rating: 4 bookmarks
Blurb from Macmillan Library:
In a post-apocalyptic world where everything we know has crumbled, a group of survivors embarks on a journey to unite them in the battle of their lives. In the conclusion to CHRONICLES OF THE ONE, Fallon Swift will use her life knowledge of magick. She has succeeded in rescuing countless shifters, elves, and humans from the Doom’s destruction of civilization, and now she must help them heal.