Release Date: May 8, 2012
Format: Kindle
Pages: 361
Source: Amazon
Genre: YA Paranormal
Review Date: July 17, 2013
Rating: 4 bookmarks
Synopsis: Starting over sucks.
When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I'd pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring.... until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up.
And then he opened his mouth.
Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something...unexpected happens.
The hot alien living next door marks me.
You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon's touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I'm getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades.
If I don't kill him first, that is.
I read these back to back without taking the time to write reviews in between...thus, I will try my best not to mix up where one story ends and the next begins. These books had no gaps between them, so It's hard to recall the ending exactly. Sorry, lesson learned!
Real quick. here's the run down. New girl Katy moves in next door to an odd acting girl, Dee, who turns out to become her new best friend. Que stage left, enter HOT neighbor boy who is not only her new bestie's twin brother, but he's super cute, brooding, sarcastic and mean as hell. Immediately it's girl hates boy, boy acts like he hates girl...and this goes on forever! I kept thinking "Hurry up and hook up!" LOL, you can tell they like each other and is infuriating to read about them going back and forth. Hot and cold, etc. Not in a bad way, but in the way that keeps you turning the pages with lightning speed.
Of course, eventually Katy finds out that her neighbors are aliens and the story takes of at a rapid speed from that point. We've got the government (DOD) watching the Aliens, Aliens and kids both disappearing, and of course teenage relationship drama. It's funny because I didn't like Daemon at first. I kept thinking that he was a total douche bag...but as some point that turned around. It was probably around the time that I figured out what his motives were. I guess he started to grow on me from there.
I liked Katy through the entire story. She's likable, smart, strong, and she's no fool. She's witty and stands up for herself. Other than a small about of teenage angst that pops up here and there, she's totally got her head on straight. Even though you can tell she's got the hots for Daemon, she knows that he's nothing but trouble. But seriously, what high school senior girl can resist a hot looking bad boy? None that I know of! Not to mention the sexual tension between these two is crazy! It's almost embarrassing at times. By that I mean you hope nobody is reading over your shoulder! Even though they don't actually have sex in this book, it's still sort of steamy.
I liked that Katy's mom was present in this book. Don't get me wrong, she was away working a lot, which allowed for all the crazy situations to go down, but you can tell that she had an influence on Katy, and that was good. Side note, I loved the fact that Katy is a book blogger! Every time she mentions getting books in her PO Box or being behind reading, or even writing in her blog, I could relate and that was fun.
I enjoyed Armentrout's writing style. I got more than a few laughs from the character interactions. They all have a great chemistry and she plays the characters off of each other well.
It should be noted that there were a few things that reminded me of other story lines. For example, Katy finds out that Daemon is an Alien when he saves her life....of course. Same as with most "OMG, your an Alien or OMG, your a vampire" reveals go. Also, their powers are a bit familiar as well. The speed, like vampires, the healing like other alien stories, the Obsidian which acts as the kryptonite to the bad aliens, etc. Of course, the traditional, Aliens fleeing their home planet and finding earth as the next best thing. Lastly, Daemon is sort of predictable. He falls into that stereotypical angry, brooding, yet sexy male box. Putting those few cliches aside, it was still fun to read. |
This book is definitely for the older YA audience and I think that's why I enjoyed it. I can't really read the books geared for the younger kids, but this was fun, easy to read and very entertaining. Adults will enjoy this as well. It totally filled that Roswell void. Want to try out a fun light read about Aliens...give this series a try! Take if for what it is and I think you'll enjoy it.
There is bonus material at the end of the book that you'll want to read. Two scenes from Daemons POV. Sweet!
Talk to me peeps! What did you think about Obsidian?
Here area few of my favorite quotes:
“Beautiful face. Beautiful body. Horrible attitude. It was the holy trinity of hot boys.”
“My palms itched to have a close encounter of the bitch-slap kind with his face.”
“I was feeling the height of bitchiness.”
Happy Reading,