Release Date: First published May 22, 2012 / Audio unabridged edition May 1, 2012 by AudioGO
Format: Audio MP3
Pages: 324 (Hardcover) / Audio Length: Approx 8 hours
Narrator: Rebecca Gibel
Source: Library Borrow via Overdrive
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy, YA Fantasy
Rating: 3 bookmarks
Synopsis: Galen is the prince of the Syrena, sent to land to find a girl he's heard can communicate with fish. Emma is on vacation at the beach. When she runs into Galen—literally, ouch!—both teens sense a connection. But it will take several encounters, including a deadly one with a shark, for Galen to be convinced of Emma's gifts. Now, if he can only convince Emma that she holds the key to his kingdom...
Told from both Emma and Galen's points of view, here is a fish-out-of-water story that sparkles with intrigue, humor, and waves of romance.
It seems like in every the boy meets girl story, in this case, Galen, always seems older. Almost like in a fatherly way, which is a bit odd. I want to say he's 20, but he acts like he's 50 at times. Emma is 18, but also, at times Emma seems much older and at other tines she seems much younger, I had issues with how her character flipped back and forth.
My biggest annoyance of this book: "ohmysweetgoodness!", said no 18 year old ever! I felt that was something her mother would say. The fact that's Emma's go to term was just too much. I was sick to death of hearing it! Beyond that oddball saying that no teenager would ever say, some of the other phrases seem a bit cheesy and old.
Then for some reason around the 60% mark the story got a bit murky to me. It's was like days passed in the story and I thought that I was missing explanation of what was happening. It was a bit hard to tell what's going on. I felt a bit confused for a moment, then all of the sudden, around the 75-80% mark, things clicked back into place and I was able to continue on with out any issues.
This narrator was so-so. As the story went on, my ears became more in tune with her which made listening easier.
With that said, I didn't love the book, but still feel vested. I liked it enough to continue on with the next book to see if things improve. I'm glad I was able to listen to this, because I'm not sure if I would have liked it as much in print. If I can find it on audio, I'll be listening!
Happy Reading & Listening,