In honor of romances for every reader, Sue Brown-Moore and I teamed up to do a two part podcast! Listen to the Shelf Addiction Podcast and the Grave Tells Romance Podcast to hear each half! Total we have 20+ romance book recommendations. From traditional romance, to paranormal romance, to gay romance, and more. Including both light on the heat to VERY spicy...we have something for everyone! If you'd like to jump on over to Sue's post, you can find that here.
Do you have a favorite romance that you like to recommend? If so, please comment below and let me know what it is and why you love it.
Part 1
Part 1 - Shelf Addiction Recommends:
Part 1 - GraveTells Recommends:
Wanna see the other ten books that made our list? Click through to Sue's blog post to view the our remaining recommendations or listen using the widget below!
About Sue Brown-Moore

You can follow Sue’s editorial insight on her editing-focused blog,, and peek in on her newest book boyfriend adventures on her romance recommendations blog,