Welcome my author feature showcasing the talented authors that will be in attendance at the upcoming Michigan event, Rust City Book Con. Join us live this Sunday (June 26th) at 3pm EST on my YouTube "BookTube" channel to chat with author Robin Nadler!
Now's your chance to ask Robin Nadler questions related to any of her books, especially her featured title, If Only. Why is book two in the series the feature? There are 20 books out and book 21 in the Family of Choice series drops on June 27. |
Be sure to get your question answered. Either comment below or use the hashtag #salivefeature and Tweet me @shelfaddiction to submit questions via Twitter before the event goes live. Don't forget to follow the hashtag #RustCiy16 to catch all Rust City updates on Twitter, Facebook, and pretty much all across the web!
Happy Reading,
Author Bio
Robin Nadler was born and raised in Michigan. She is currently a high school teacher who loves the classics and tries to make sure her students understand the value of Shakespeare and paying respect to those who came before. When she isn't teaching or writing, she spends her days playing with her pets and laughing.
For more information on Robin or her series "Family by Choice" please check out her blog. |
Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Blog/Website
Featured Title
Can one moment in a life truly define it? Is it possible to move beyond that defining moment and create something meaningful? What if that moment is so horrifying it can’t be overcome, just survived? How do you learn to live again after your life is torn apart and all you knew to be real and true wasn’t? You ask yourself the questions we all wonder. If only I had done something different. If only I was more careful. If only I could have stopped it. Barbara Rose had it all. She was beautiful, independent and famous, all at 18. She performed for thousands of people and had the world at her fingertips. She was trusting and charitable and those things invited something she could never have imagined. When she was abducted after a concert, her whole life changed. Barbara Rose was gone and Brittany Anthony emerged. Tommy Williams was a regular 18-year-old boy. He had a pesky younger sister and parents who loved each other. He and his best friend were in their first year of college and life was going to be great. He was ready to get started and finally live.
Book Excerpt
Book Trailer
Don’t miss your chance to meet some amazing authors at Rust City Book Con next August! Come join us in our celebration of all things genre fiction in the Motor City!
Registration is now open for #RustCity16!
Be sure to keep up with all things Rust City 2016, by following it via your own personal social media drug of choice: Facebook |Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | RSVP at the Facebook Event.