You see, I have these little things called a full time job, a side jewelry business and a husband....all things that interrupt my daily reading! Lol. Trust me, if I could read all day everyday, I would! In the mean time, I have to settle for lunch hours, some evenings and a few hours here and there on my weekends. Thus, so many books, so little time. Just reading everything I've committed to is enough to make me stressed. I don't see how or when I'd really be able make a significant dent in that never-ending TBR list that I have! I read a book here and there, but for every book I read another is added. I tell you, it's a vicious circle!
Bloggers, on average, how many books do you read, review and/or post a week? To have a successful blog, do you think it's necessary to post a new review every other day?
Readers, do you even care if bloggers post that often?
Tell me what you think!
Happy Reading,