Release Date: March 10, 2011
Format: Kindle
Pages: 196
Source: Download Destination
Review Date: February 14, 2012
Rating: 3 bookmarks
Pretty good, I like it. But, where is the rest of the story?!?! Hopefully in book 2!..When I read the last page, I flicked to the next page of my Kindle thinking, “Where is the rest of it?”. Then I thought, wow, that was really short book. Then I looked it up to verify the number of pages in the hard copy. Only 196. I guess I’m not used to books under 200 pages. There are 4 books in the series. In my opinion, I’d rather read 2 more complete books than 4 mini books. The action in the story got started pretty quickly, which I see why, being that the book was so short. The author was kind of lacking on some details, and that is also probably a product of the book being so short.
Caitlin, a 18 year old senior, her younger brother and their mother move to a new town. NYC. For the first time she is in a public school in an urban area, which is throwing her for a loop. During her first day, which is horrible in her opinion, she meets Jonah during a class. From there she is attracted to him and apparently likes him pretty quickly. I was put out with how quickly our heroin Caitlin fell so hard and fast for a human, Jonah and her vamp rescuer Caleb. She fell so fast and hard for these two, it was very unrealistic. Seriously, she went on one half date with Jonah after having maybe 2 conversations, and she’s obsessed with him. She met Caleb when he rescued her from the “bad” vamps, and then suddenly within a few hours, he is professing his “love” for her and she is overwhelmed with the same feeling for him. Too over the top. Like I mentioned above, the book was did not have enough details of how these two relationships developed. They meet and BAM, Caitlin seems to be in love or in “extreme like” with both of guys. The author could have spent more time setting up that love triangle.
I did enjoy hearing about a hybrid version of a vampire. A little different from the same story we are used to reading, which includes being bitten to turn. I’m going to pick up the next book soon, because what we got in book one was not nearly enough to for me.