First and foremost this is a NOT a SPONSORED post. These opinions are mines and mines alone. Audible has not asked me to write this review. As you all know, I listen to a good amount of audiobooks and I'm clearly an advocate of supplementing (not replacing) reading with audio. I recently got my own Audible account and I wanted to share with you my thoughts on it. While I find that I really enjoy the selection that Audible has, I'm not sure about the monthly sticker price. If price is no issue for you, then this is the perfect service, let me tell you why.
1. No waiting in line on the hold list for your Library's audiobook. whether it's their online catalog or physical CDs off the shelf.
2. You can listen anywhere! Download the Audible App and you're ready to go. Available in the iTunes store and the Android Market.
3. Whispersync - I think this is this is pretty awesome. You purchase an audiobook from Amazon, then you purchase from Amazon the coordinating audiobook at a reduced price. You can read, then when your in the car or where ever you can't read, you can alternate back and forth and it keeps its place for you! That's very cool.
4. The selection. There are books on Audible that my library's online catalog doesn't have.
5. The sales for Audible members. For example, in the last month I've seen two awesome sales. Both of these sales were for a specific list of titles. The first was a sale offering audiobooks for $4.99 and the second was a 2 for 1, two audiobooks for 1 credit! While new releases weren't included, the title selection for these sales was still pretty good.
6. I LOVE their return policy. Don't like the narrator? Fine, return it. So far, I've returned 1 book and it was an easy process and hassle free.
1. As I mentioned earlier, I don't love the price. Personally, I'd rather pay $29.95 a month for unlimited listening. The ability to listen to as many audiobooks as I please at any time, no waiting.
2. No discounts for existing customers. I have an issue with this, We spend a fair amount of money on Audible, they should give a little something for the loyal members. For example, why note have a digital coupon card? I'm just brain storming here, but why not give a free credit for every 5 audiobook reviews that you complete, or something like that. I'm sure it would go a long way with paying members to get a little something extra.
Do you use Audible? If not, and you use a different pay service, let me know which one it is and what you think of it.
Happy Reading & Listening,